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Thank You – Play with Docker!

At Kubecon in Austin I was talking with my good friend Jonas Rosland about  how I was getting to train a group of new Pure SE’s on Cloud Native Apps and planned on doing labs with installing docker and running apps in containers. I was going to get every student a vm and let them spin up some containers. He reminded me of Play with Docker.  What I great idea I thought.

He not only did that but went a head and introduced me to Marcos who was the developer for PWD.  On the expo floor I was able to sit and chat with someone that created quite a cool way for people to experience Docker. Just a cool thing about people that do something for the community. A nice guy that was willing to answer questions and was not too busy to help someone out.

Since I had a good number of students logging in at once it seemed a good idea that we set it up on our own. So in just a day I spun up the environment and let the students get to work. Everyone had their own playground that ran Docker in Docker. Everyone got to do something they normally would not get a chance to play with.  Once I clean out some of the Pure specific stuff I will post the class and slides to Github.

I will create a post about what it took to get it up and running on my own in the next day or so. This is more of a thank you for all the work Marcos did to create this cool project for everyone to enjoy.

So if you are looking to learn a little more about Docker head to:

ALSO if you want to learn about Kubernetes, there is a Play with K8s version too!

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