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Storage Quotas in Kubernetes

One thing since we released Pure Service Orchestrator I get asked is, “How do we control how much developer/user can deploy?”

I played around with some of the settings from the K8s documentation for quotas and limits. I uploaded these into my gists on GitHub.

git clone
#create the namespace as a cluster-admin
kubectl create -f dev-ns.yaml
#create the quota in that namespace
kubectl -n development create -f storage-quota.yaml
#or if you want to create CPU and Memory and other quotas too
kubectl -n development create -f quota.yaml

This allows users in that namespace to be limitted to a certain number of Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) and/or total requested storage. Both can be useful in scenarios where you don’t want someone to create 10,000 1Gi volumes on an array or create one giant 100Ti volume. 

Credit to When I searched for quotas on the internet this made me laugh. I work with salespeople a lot.


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