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Migrating K8s Stateful Apps with Pure Storage

I have to move my harbor instance to a new cluster.

  1. old cluster – find all the PVC’s
kubectl -n harbor get pvc
NAME                                     STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
data-harbor-harbor-redis-0               Bound    pvc-aebe5589-f484-4664-9326-03ff1ffb2fdf   5Gi        RWO            pure-block     24m
database-data-harbor-harbor-database-0   Bound    pvc-b506a2d4-8a65-4f17-96e3-f3ed1c25c56e   5Gi        RWO            pure-block     24m
harbor-harbor-chartmuseum                Bound    pvc-e50b2487-2a88-4032-903d-80df15483c37   100Gi      RWO            pure-block     24m
harbor-harbor-registry                   Bound    pvc-923fa069-21c8-4920-a959-13f7220f5d90   200Gi      RWO            pure-block     24m
  1. clone in the FlashArray
    Find each PVC listed when you run the above command, you may either create a snapshot or a full clone.
  2. Bring up the new app with the same sized PVC’s on your new cluster.
kubectl -n harbor scale deployment --replicas 0 -l app=harbor
  1. scale app to 0 replicas on the new k8s cluster (example above)
  2. Clone and overwrite each volume on the FlashArray. Using the pvc volume name from the new cluster.
kubectl -n get pvc

  1. Scale app back to the required replicas. Verify it works.
kuebctl -n harbor scale deployment --replicas 1 -l app=harbor
  1. Point DNS to new loadbalancer/ingress
kubectl -n harbor get ingresses
NAME                    HOSTS                                         ADDRESS         PORTS     AGE
harbor-harbor-ingress   harbor.newstack.local,notary.newstack.local   10.xx.xx.xx  80, 443   32m

Change DNS to the new cluster.

All my data is now migrated

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