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Connecting your Application to Cassandra on PDS

How to Test Cassandra on PDS

Next up is a way to test Cassandra when deployed with PDS. I saved my python application to GitHub here:

The key here is to deploy Cassandra via PDS then get the server connection names from PDS. Each step is explained in the repo. Go over there and fork or clone the repo or just use my settings. A quick summary though (it is really this easy).

  1. Deploy Cassandra to your Target in PDS.
  2. Edit the env-secret.yaml file to match your deployment.
  3. Apply the secret. kubectl -n namespace apply -f env-secret.yaml
  4. Apply the deployment. kubectl -n namespace apply -f worker.yaml
  5. Check the database in the Cassandra pod. kubectl -n namespace exec -it cas-pod — bash
  6. Use cqlsh to check the table the app creates.

That is it pretty easy and it creates a lot of records in the database. You could also scale it up in order to test connections from many sources. I hope this helps you quickly use PDS and if you have any updates or changes to me repo please submit a PR.

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