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Tag: Citrix
VDI Calculator for VNX
Biggest question around sizing your VDI usually comes down to sizing the storage.
Some of the solutions team created a pretty cool sizing whitepaper a few months back. Which inspired me to create this web based calculator. It is not meant to do everything in the whole world.
Just give a quick and easy VNX setup.
More on the EMC, Cisco and Citrix 5000 on vSphere CVD (Cisco Validated Design) in 30 minutes
UPDATED May 26 – New links included Mike Brennan’s latest blog going into the testing and details of the CVD –
Scaling CVD for XenDesktop and EMC on Cisco <—-NEWEST Version of the paper!!!!
Back a few months ago I shared about the joint reference architecture that was able to boot and login 5000 users in 30 minutes. Using the Cisco UCS running VMware vSphere, with Citrix XenDesktop and an EMC VNX 7500. Cisco and Citrix answer a few questions with Craig Chapman on the joint validated design in this video:
I really like this layout and it usually takes pretty pictures to get me interested. Here is a high level overview of the design.
Some of the original CVD links:
CVD Paper – 5000 User VDI with EMC, Cisco, Citrix and VMware
Mike Brennan’s blog about 5000 VDI users
Updated May 2013
Solution Brief from Cisco 4000 Users
Update May 24, 2013 – More links:
Mike Brenner blog on the CVD
Scaling CVD for XenDesktop and EMC on Cisco <—-NEWEST Version of the paper!!!!
Cisco, EMC and Citrix 5000 Users in 30 minutes – Cisco Validated Design it a read and see how it all works.
If you are like me and looking for where they get “30 minutes” from goto page 11.
“We were able to ramp (log in and start workloads) up to steady state in 30 minutes without pegging the processor, exhausting memory or storage subsystems.”